Intelligence Report - Cognitive Battery


Tested Name: Bob Smith
Time generated (server): 2015-05-05 01:00:00
Based on test results: #1191, #1170, #1110, #1120, #1146
Metrics version: BCB1.0

1. Mental Capacity

The assessed Mental Capacity Percentile (MCP) is 58%.

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Mental Capacity Percentile is the Mental Capacity compared to the population - this result indicates a greater Mental Capacity than 58% of the population. 50% is at the population central result for Mental Capacity. Mental Capacity is the ability to store and process information or calculate possibilities. A greater capacity is better and implies more ability to perform as many as possible qualitatively different mental functions in a given unit of time. This relates to the number of neural channels and number of bonds between them in the brain.

2. Mental Usage

The assessed Mental Capacity Used (MCU) is 75%.

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Mental Capacity Used is amount of Mental Capacity that is being accessed or used on calculating a given task. The Mental Capacity not used is noise or Wasted Capacity, a higher MCU is better. Noise is everything that would disrupt, hamper or put out of action our flow of information. Distractibility can be derived from the amount of noise. Adding together the Mental Capacity Used and Noise gives the Theoretical Mental Capacity (TMC), a maximum achievable. MCU is specific to the given data and not population compared.

3. Mental Block Count

The Mental Block Count (MBC) is 1. A low MBC is better.

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34.7% of the population have this many mental blocks or worse in the BCB test. Also called emotional blocks, this is where an emotional or mental reaction to frustration or anxiety occurs that negatively impacts or impairs function. As the mind becomes overloaded by emotions or processing other information its processing power becomes insufficient to solve the problem or task at hand. This metric is important to consider, particularly as it can indicate the impossibility to perform certain mental or physical tasks correctly or reliably. This is notable in the selection of particular people for special purposes or jobs.

4. Motivation / Fatigue

The assessed Motivation Percentile (MP) is 56%.

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Motivation Percentile is the Motivation compared to the population - this result indicates a greater Motivation than 56% of the population. Motivation is an intrinsic or extrinsic urge that reinforces certain activity. It is an act of supporting and maintaining a certain goal-orientated activity. A greater MP is better, a low MP implies a brain tended more towards fatigue or mental tiredness.

5. Complex Cognitive Processing

The assessed Speed Percentile (SP), Consistency Percentile (CP), and Accuracy Percentile (AP) is 62%, 43% and 53% respectively. Higher values are better and imply a statistic better than given percent of the population.

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Speed implies quick mental processes, responsive, swift. Low values are slow, high values are fast.
Consistency implies consistent, balanced, reliable, predictable, in control, does not vary. Low values indicate unstable and high values stable mental processes.
Accuracy implies reliable cognitive processes, does not make mistakes, focused, motivated. Low values are weak/inaccurate, high values are strong/accurate.

6. Personality

Personality type is assessed in terms of three independent factors or axis and visualised as a position in 3D space where the axis crossing point at 50%,50%,50% is the population central result. The typology reflects characteristics of the CNS (Central Nervous System) according to Pavlov's theory. A strong and stable type reflects a sanguine type, strong and unstable is choleric, strong stable and slow is phlegmatic and weak is melancholic.

Personality 3D Chart, Report #2134 Report - #0 0% (slow) 100% (fast) 0% (unstable) 100% (stable) 0% (weak) 100% (strong)


The yellow area on each chart shows a statistic between one and two standard deviations under the central result of the population. Orange is two or more standard deviations lower.

On the 3D graph the green simply indicates greater than the population central value and orange less. It can be rotated by holding the left mouse button and moving the mouse. It does not function in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier.

Intelligence is dynamic and can change over time. These results can be improved with mental training. For any advice or queries please contact us.

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Google Chrome: fully functional, recommended, enable background images in print settings
Mozilla Firefox: in page setup check 'print background' and 'shrink to fit page'.
Internet Explorer: fully functional from version 9, 8 will not display the 3D graph. Set scale to 80% and in page setup check 'print background elements'

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